Everpure takes on “PFAS forever chemicals”
PFAS aka ‘forever chemicals’ are virtually everywhere. Americans encounter them in countless cleaning products, nonstick cookware, food packaging, personal care items, even some of the clothes we wear, and the list goes on.
But probably most alarming of all, PFAS can be found in our drinking water. USGS estimates that at least 45% of tap water contains forever chemicals—that’s both from public systems and private wells.
So, can anything be done about it? Yes. Take a reassuring sigh.
In this blog, we’ll answer the most common questions about PFAS, as simply as possible, and cover solutions that can make a real difference.

What are PFAS?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are toxic man-made chemicals. Today, there are around 15,000 synthetic compounds classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Why are PFAS problematic?
PFAS can cause a plethora of health issues after an extended period of exposure, such as infertility, lowered immune systems, challenged weight management, and in some cases, cancer. Studies link PFAS to testicular, kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancer, according to the Environmental Working Group.
Why are forever chemicals in our water?
Unfortunately, we’re almost all guilty of it—even though unknowingly. PFAS can leach into the water, air, and soil, for instance when we spray cleaners around our homes or even when we toss out packaging that goes into the landfill. Industrial sites and manufacturers also release these compounds, which can end up in our groundwater, lakes, and streams.
Do they really last forever ?Forever-ish. These highly persistent chemicals take thousands of years to degrade. So unless you’re a glass sponge, one of the longest-living ocean creatures, PFAS outlast most species, including us humans.
Forever chemicals don’t have to be a forever problem. Here comes the solution portion of this blog. Go ahead, take another sigh.

Everpure Versus Forever Chemicals
Pentair is going to battle against PFAS. In response to growing concerns, we launched our initial commercial PFOA/PFOS water solutions line.
Everpure PFOA/PFOS Reduction Systems and Cartridges work to specifically target forever chemicals, reducing levels to 20 parts per trillion. They also help reduce microplastics, lead, chlorine, and other particles to ensure the highest quality of water and taste profile. Let’s raise a glass to that, food service operators!
Want some bonus good news?
With the strong consumer push for more environmentally sound products, many companies are making a conscious effort to avoid these harmful forever chemicals. Federal and local governments are also working on policies to reduce PFAS. Just this past April, the EPA issued the first-ever national, legally enforceable drinking water standard.
Consider doing your part by starting with your water supply. Check out our Everpure PFOA/PFOS Reduction System product page to learn more or contact your Pentair rep to take the first step.