
Learn About Mercury

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Sources of Mercury in Water

The EPA breaks down exactly how mercury can emit into the air, and, from there, make its way into the soil and groundwater of an area.

Several processes can create mercury emissions. Volcanoes and forest fires naturally release mercury vapors into the atmosphere. Many mercury emissions originate from man-made activities. The burning of coal, wood, and oil releases a substantial amount of mercury vapor. Certain mining practices also generate mercury vapor.


Once mercury pollution releases into the air, the vapors will fall to Earth as rain or due to gravity, a process known as air disposition. The mercury vapor can fall into freshwater bodies or fall on land where it can wash into waterways.

According to a guide from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, mercury can find its way into many water supplies through this multi-step process. Mercury is present in most bodies of water, and some seafood can contain a significant amount of mercury.

Places where mercury concentrations can increase include areas near mineral deposits, mines, power plants, and industrial sites where coal burns.

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