
What Is Deionized Water?

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What Is Deionized Water? 

When it comes to water, you and your family need the best option available. After all, it’s your hydration we’re talking about! While researching the different types of water, you may have come across deionized water. What is deionized water — and is it a better choice than the stuff you’re already getting from your tap? Let’s dive in and find out.

little girl drinking water at sink

We are water Experts

Water quality is non-negotiable. To prove it, we've built state-of-the-art water quality labs and filled them with the best and brightest scientists — all so we can provide you with the best water of your life.

water lab illustration

What's in your water?
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Worried about your water? Take control with our at-home water test kit. We'll analyze your water and recommend the best filtration or softening solution for your specific needs.

water test kit

Water 101

Unleash the secrets of your H2O! Explore where water originates and discover the various water filtration solutions that transform it into drinkable water.

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