Shurflo RO Control Switches

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Shurflo RO Control Switches

The Pentair Shurflo RO series of pressure switches, used with Shurflo pumps, control the on-and-off cycles to provide a consistent water flow. These simple switches sense the pressure in the water storage tank to help prevent the pump from refilling the tank every time. These features can ensure efficiency, extend the lifespan of your pump and provide better service.
  • Shuts off the pump if feed water is interrupted or full
  • Wire harness included
  • 1/4" Quick-connect fittings
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Shurflo RO Control Switches
Shurflo RO Control Switches
SKU#: Product2G_1620468885920895

Models / Specs

Item #ImageModel NumberInlet/Outlet ConnectionPack SizeShutoff Pressure (PSI)Turn On Pressure (PSI)
84-2040-60 RO Switch, 1/4 1/4" NPT 1 60 60
84-331-34 RO Switch, 1/4 1/4" NPT 1 60 25
94-080-01 RO Switch, 1/4 1/4" FPT 1 60 25
94-090-00 RO Switch, 1/4 1/4" FPT 50 60 25
94-090-01 RO Switch, 1/4 1/4" JG Fittings 50 60 25
94-090-02 RO Switch, 3/8 3/8" JG Fittings 50 60 25
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