Pentair Hypro ProClean Nozzles and Valve

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Pentair Hypro ProClean Nozzles and Valve

  • The ProClean™ line of tank & container nozzles are designed for more complete & faster cleaning of empty agrochemical containers including jugs & tank
  • The ProClean™ II Push Valve is designed to self-flush to help prevent sticking open or closed even with a heavy particulate solution
  • ProClean™ II Push Valve is compatible with all ProClean™ series nozzles
  • Utilize chemically-resistant, acid resistant and durable PVDF polymer construction
  • All ProClean™ components utilize hybrid ½” NPT and BSP thread for easy installation
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Pentair IntelliFloXF VSF variable speed and variable flow pool pump accommodates high-flow water features.


ProClean™ container wash nozzles provide fast and efficient cleanout of chemical containers. The result is faster turnaround during refilling operations and improved safety when recycling/disposing of used containers.

The chart on the left illustrates how ProClean™ rotating nozzle beats the competition by reaching 100% clean faster.



ProClean™ tank and container wash nozzles provide the clean water flow and spray impact needed for effective cleaning.

Pentair IntelliFloXF VSF pool pump adjusts to changing conditions for optimal efficiency.
Pentair IntelliFloXF VSF variable speed and variable flow pool pump accommodates high-flow water features.


Item #Description
PC1-2F-36075ProClean™ container nozzle
30B48NF70E35ProClean™ Plus Nozzle
PC1-2F-235120ProClean™ tank nozzle
3400-0174ProClean™ II Valve Assembly
BG-3400-0175ProClean™ II Valve and Nozzle
3400-0176ProClean™ II Valve Assembly with HF Nozzle
Item #Description
PC1-2F-36075ProClean™ container nozzle
30B48NF70E35ProClean™ Plus Nozzle
PC1-2F-235120ProClean™ tank nozzle
3400-0174ProClean™ II Valve Assembly
BG-3400-0175ProClean™ II Valve and Nozzle
3400-0176ProClean™ II Valve Assembly with HF Nozzle
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