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Water Softener Maintenance Guide

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Pentair Water Solutions
Pentair Water Solutions


Dealing with hard water? A water softener or water softener alternative may be the way to go.

Water softeners help reduce high concentrations of magnesium and calcium in your water. While healthy minerals in drinking water are a good thing, too much magnesium and calcium in your water can lead to a common condition known as hard water. This condition can often lead to annoyances around the house, such as:

  • A filmy residue on hands and body after washing
  • Calcium spots on dishes and silverware
  • Reduced water pressure as a result of mineral deposits buildups in the plumbing system
  • Dingy clothing after washing

Keeping your water softener in good shape is the best way to keep levels of these minerals low and mitigate the issues associated with hard water listed above. But it will take a little work on your end.

Maintaining your water softener isn't tricky. You just have to know what to do. And we've got you covered with our guide to water softener maintenance.

We are water Experts

At Pentair, we take water quality seriously. That's why we've invested in state-of-the-art water quality labs staffed by a team of highly trained specialists. Our labs are equipped with the latest technologies, allowing us to conduct a wide range of tests for all kinds of applications.

water lab illustration

Keeping the Brine Tank Squeaky Clean

The brine tank is where your salt goes. Unsurprisingly, it can get a bit dirty after a while. That's why we recommend cleaning it about once a year. But a good tip? Wait until your salt levels are low for a good scrubbing.

  • Turn off the water and dump out any water in the tank.
  • Scoop out any remaining salt or brine.
  • Clean! A mix of dishwashing soap and water works well. You can also use a vinegar or bleach solution. We recommend using a shop vac to suck up stubborn particles.
  • Dig out any salt bridges. This is a hard layer of salt that forms on the water in the tank.
  • All done? Great! Add in new salt and water.
  • After about two hours of letting the salt stew (it needs time to dissolve), start the regeneration cycle on your unit.

What's in your water?
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Worried about what may be in your water? Get our water test kit and send it in to us! We do extensive testing and will recommend products based on the make up of your water. Get a test today!

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Final Water Softener Maintenance Tips

Once your water softener is up and running, you need to make sure it stays that way. Manufacturers typically recommend an inspection of your system every couple of years.

In between visits, there are a few more things you can do to keep your water softener in tip-top shape. These include:

  • Flushing your resin bed. Turn off the water. Use a water softener cleaner to clear out impurities that may be clogging up the system.
  • Cleaning your venturi valve. This valve is responsible for providing suction for the system. If it's clogged, you won't have optimal filtering.
  • Adding a pre-filter. Why make your water softener work harder than it has to? A pre-filter collects bigger sediment so it doesn't clog up your system.
An image of a nice water bubbles background

Water 101

Unleash the secrets of your H2O! Explore where water originates and discover the various treatment methods that transform it into safer, drinkable water.

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Disclaimer: The information on this website has not been reviewed by the FDA. Products offered for sale herein are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. No medical claims are being made or implied. Contaminants mentioned are not necessarily in your water.

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