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Pool & Spa Calculators for Pros
*For Pool Professionals Only. Requires Log-In on PentairPartners.com to Access.
- Commercial Pool Pump Energy Savings Calculator
This tool calculates the savings a commercial pool operator will realize when switching from a standard pool pump to the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump. - Energy Audit Calculator
This tool is for energy professionals to calculate the energy savings on a pool. - TDH Calculator
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH) for a piping system.
Water Supply & Disposal Calculators
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The Digital Toolbox Keeping You One Step Ahead
Introducing the Pentair Pro App
Grow a better business while delivering peace of mind to your smart-home customer with the Pentair range of connected water products and the Pentair Pro app. Receive alerts and monitor your customers’ devices in real-time from your smart device, so you can help diagnose issues and save time on service calls.