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SKU#: 360540

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Open the app. Clean the pool. Feel the freedom. 

The Prowler 930W Robotic Cleaner has all the easy, drop-in-and-go intelligence of all the Prowler family. But with the 930W's WiFi connectivity, all you need is the Pentair Pool app to make pool cleaning truly hands-off and effortless --even by robot standards. Whether you need time to get ready for the kids’ pool party or simply want to touch up a tough spot before bed so your morning dip is glistening.

  • WiFi control via the Pentair Pool App for easy connectivity and smart-phone enablement.
  • Easy access to top filtration basket that captures minuscule and large debris.
  • A robust caddy for you to easily transport your pool cleaner from point A to point B. 
  • Customizable cleaning schedule so you’re never overdue for a cleaning.
  • Manual targeting of trouble spots for a truly pristine pool.
  • Delayed start app feature allows you to clean now or clean later, so late-night swimmers won’t be bothered.
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