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- Commercial iQ Mobile App
Work Smarter, Not Harder
- Let the app do the calculations
- Enter your design specs
- Commercial iQ will calculate your project specs
- Review product recommendations and key features
That's it!

Get Exclusive Rebate Offers
Save with business-building rebates on commercial pool products exclusively in the app. Take advantage of this first-time exclusive offer.
Everything Organized in One Place
Track and manage all your projects in one place. Pentair's Commercial iQ app makes it easy for you to review and update all of your projects. You can also amend contracts, change specs, add new projects and delete completed ones.

Communicate Seamlessly
Easily share files and equipment lists with your contacts. You can easily use the Commercial iQ app to generate a PDF file of recommended equipment for any project. And, the app makes it easy to email PDFs and files to any contacts on any project.